
General Information

Full Name Chris Dean
Date of Birth 9th August
Languages English


  • 2022
    PhD Bioinformatics and Computational Biology
    University of Minnesota, St. Paul, Minnesota
    • Designed cross-sectional, case-control and longitudinal microbiome experiments
    • Performed laboratory assays to isolate nucleic acids for PCR, enzymatic shearing and sequencing
    • Utilized linear, non-linear, and multivariate models for hypothesis testing using lme4, mgcv and vegan packages
    • Provided hands-on bioinformatics training and support to undergraduate and graduate students
    • Developed bioinformatic pipelines using Docker and Nextflow
  • 2015
    B.S. Computer Science
    Colorado State University, Fort Collins, Colorado
  • 2013
    B.A. Psychology
    Metro State University of Denver, Denver, Colorado


  • 2021-2022
    Research Scientist Intern
    Canomiks, Rochester, Minnesota
    • Performed bioinformatic analysis of rna-seq data from human cell cultures challenged with different food ingredients
    • Conducted hypothesis tests between experimental groups using multivariate and linear models in DESeq2 and limma packages
    • Proven ability to exceed expectations, manage and meet multiple deadlines from various stakeholders
    • Drafted professional summary reports and communicated results to stakeholders in an accessible manner
  • Fall 2019
    Research Scientist Intern
    Norwegian University of Life Science
    • Collected sediment from the ocean floor of the Atlantic for a metatranscriptomic study
    • Gained exposure to the aquaculture industry through courses, conferences and on-site industry visits
    • Helped lead a small bioinformatics workshop to train students in the analysis of shotgun metagenomic data
  • Summer 2019
    Research Scientist Internship
    IBM Almaden Research Center
    • Worked within an interdisciplinary team of engineers to design a bioinformatics platform called OmxWare
    • Served as a domain expert to identify sequence databases and bioinformatic tools that could be used within the OmxWare platform
    • Used in silico approaches to test my hypothesis that 16S rRNA sequences could undergo horizontal gene transfer

Other Interests

  • Learning new languages [Mandarin and Spanish], playing ice hockey, exercise