Chris J. Dean


ASVM 326

1918 Fitch Avenue

St. Paul, Minnesota 55108

Chris is a PhD candidate in Bioinformatics within the Department of Veterinary Population Medicine at the University Minnesota, working under the supervision of Dr. Noelle Noyes. Chris’s research focuses on deriving meaning from biological sequence data originating from next-generation sequencing instruments.

Chris has an interdisciplinary background in bioinformatics, computer science, epidemiology, microbiology and statistics. He has experience designing cross-sectional, case-control and longitudinal epidemiological studies; testing hypotheses using linear, non-linear, hierarchical and multivariate statistical models; developing and running bioinformatics software.

He is passionate about utilizing this diverse skillset to help teams answer important questions related to health and disease in animal and human populations.


Oct 28, 2022 I moved back to Minnesota after 7 months of being in Colorado! :sparkles: :smile:
Oct 18, 2022 Submitted the second chapter of my thesis to my dissertation committee. Only minor edits requested.
Oct 4, 2022 Submitted the 1st chapter of my thesis to my dissertation committee :D!